beBee background
Adel Kaid

Adel Kaid

Love , Motivation and spirit of responsibility .

المحاسبة والمالية

Oran, ولاية وهران


حول Adel Kaid:

my name is Adel Kaid i am from Algeria , I have 27 years  , i have a master degree from university I am working as a human resource in an accounting office .


Since February 2022  : human resource in an accounting office .


2018-2020 : Master's II preparation 
- Specialty : Quantitative management techniques

- Place : Faculty of Economic , Management and Commercial Sciences University of Oran 2 Mohmed ben Ahmed

2017-2018: Master's I preparation 
- Specialty : Quantitative management techniques
- Place : Faculty of Economic , Management and Commercial Sciences University of Oran 2 Mohmed ben Ahmed
2016-2017: Bachelor's degree
- Specialty : Fianancial sciences and accounting
- Place : Faculty of Economic , Management and Commercial Sciences University of Oran 2 Mohmed ben Ahmed
Project Graduation  entitled  : «Accounting treatment of tangible assets according to the Algerian accounting and financial system standards»

2014-2016: First academic year Common Core of Economic , Management and Commercial Sciences
- Specialty : Fianancial sciences and accounting

- Place Faculty of Economic , Management and Commercial Sciences University of Oran 2 Mohmed ben Ahmed

2013-2014 : Baccalaureat diplomaSpecialty : Management and economy.
- Place : High school Abou Bakr Belkaid , Bir El Djir Oran (Algeria).

محترفون من نفس قطاع المحاسبة والمالية مثل Adel Kaid

محترفون من قطاعات مختلفة بالقرب من Oran, ولاية وهران

المستخدمون الآخرون الذين يطلق عليهم Adel