beBee background
ismail guenniche

ismail guenniche

HR Manager, IT Engineer, teacher

الموارد البشرية

Rouiba, الجزائر


حول ismail guenniche:

Born: 04 June 1986 in Constantine. Algeria. Maried.

Adress: Ali Mendjeli, Constantine,Algéria. 

Driving Licence: « B » Category.


  1. Diplomas:
  • Engineer in Computer Sciences: Advanced Information Systems & Web Technologies, July 2010, MENTOURI Brothers University, Constantine, Algeria 
  • Bachelor in mathematics, June 2005, BEN BADIS high School, Constantine, Algeria. 
  1. Internship:

Graduation project (06 Months), within IT services at Orascom Telecom Algeria –O.T.A- Constantine. 

  1. International projects:
  • SM WeldProject Manager: South Mediterranean Welding project (, as part of ERASMUS+ Program, financed by the European commission EUCEA - the Education, Culture and Audiovisual Executive Agency. 


  • ANL-MedProject Manager: Algerian National Laboratory for Maintenance Education ( project, as part of ERASMUS+ Program, financed by the European commission EUCEA - the Education, Culture and Audiovisual Executive Agency. 
  1. Experience:
  • Training Manager: 09/2020- till now at Algerian Qatari Steel – AQS, Jijel, Algeria.


  • Human Resources Head of Department: 12/2018 – 09/2020 at GERMAN Spa. Constantine, Algeria


  • Training & Skills Management Head of Department: 05/2017 – 11/2018 at GERMAN Spa. Constantine, Algeria.


  • Staff & Training Head of Department: 01/2017 – 05/2017 at GERMAN Spa. Constantine, Algeria.


  • Training Head of Service: 10/2014 – 12/2016 at GERMAN Spa. Constantine, Algeria.


  • IT engineer: 03/2013 – 10/2014 at GERMAN Spa. Constantine, Algeria.


  • Teacher, WEB Development modules: 05/2012- 02/2016, for IT Technicians at IBN ROCHD Institute . Constantine, Algeria.


  • Technical Advisor: 08/2010 – 11/2011 : at NISSAN ALGERIE 


  • Commercial: Summer job 2006/2007/2008 & 2009: at NISSAN ALGERIE


  1. Training:
  • SAP S4 HANA (EC / LMS / SP/CDP / PMGM / RCM) including Project Implementation and integration, PWC/SEIDOR (starting 2021).
  • ORACLE DATABASE 11G DBA1, DBA2, APEX ; with « Ecole nationale des systèmes d’information (ENSI) ».
  • CISCO Training: security of  IT Networks, with « L’institut international de management –INSIM- » 
  • ISO 9001, 19011, 14001 & 45001 Standards, TUV + AFNOR. 
  1. Languages:

Arabic (native), French (bilingual) & English (professional). 

  1. Divers:
  • ERPs SAP S/4 HANA (advanced), ORACLE JD EDWARDS (basics).
  • Databases: SQL SERVER, MS ACCESS, MYSQL, ORACLE (basics). 
  • Operating system: Windows, Windows SERVER, Linux UBUNTU. 
  • Process pilot within QMS/IMS ISO 19011, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & ISO 45001.
  • International mobility. 



HR Manager, IT Engineer & Teacher.


  1. Diplomas:
  • Engineer in Computer Sciences: Advanced Information Systems & Web Technologies, July 2010, MENTOURI Brothers University, Constantine, Algeria 
  • Bachelor in mathematics, June 2005, BEN BADIS high School, Constantine, Algeria. 
  1. Internship:

Graduation project (06 Months), within IT services at Orascom Telecom Algeria –O.T.A- Constantine. 

  1. International projects:
  • SM WeldProject Manager: South Mediterranean Welding project (, as part of ERASMUS+ Program, financed by the European commission EUCEA - the Education, Culture and Audiovisual Executive Agency. 


  • ANL-MedProject Manager: Algerian National Laboratory for Maintenance Education ( project, as part of ERASMUS+ Program, financed by the European commission EUCEA - the Education, Culture and Audiovisual Executive Agency. 
  1. Experience:
  • Training Manager: 09/2020- till now at Algerian Qatari Steel – AQS, Jijel, Algeria.


  • Human Resources Head of Department: 12/2018 – 09/2020 at GERMAN Spa. Constantine, Algeria


  • Training & Skills Management Head of Department: 05/2017 – 11/2018 at GERMAN Spa. Constantine, Algeria.


  • Staff & Training Head of Department: 01/2017 – 05/2017 at GERMAN Spa. Constantine, Algeria.


  • Training Head of Service: 10/2014 – 12/2016 at GERMAN Spa. Constantine, Algeria.


  • IT engineer: 03/2013 – 10/2014 at GERMAN Spa. Constantine, Algeria.


  • Teacher, WEB Development modules: 05/2012- 02/2016, for IT Technicians at IBN ROCHD Institute . Constantine, Algeria.


  • Technical Advisor: 08/2010 – 11/2011 : at NISSAN ALGERIE 


  • Commercial: Summer job 2006/2007/2008 & 2009: at NISSAN ALGERIE


  1. Training:
  • SAP S4 HANA (EC / LMS / SP/CDP / PMGM / RCM) including Project Implementation and integration, PWC/SEIDOR (starting 2021).
  • ORACLE DATABASE 11G DBA1, DBA2, APEX ; with « Ecole nationale des systèmes d’information (ENSI) ».
  • CISCO Training: security of  IT Networks, with « L’institut international de management –INSIM- » 
  • ISO 9001, 19011, 14001 & 45001 Standards, TUV + AFNOR. 
  1. Languages:

Arabic (native), French (bilingual) & English (professional). 

  1. Divers:
  • ERPs SAP S/4 HANA (advanced), ORACLE JD EDWARDS (basics).
  • Databases: SQL SERVER, MS ACCESS, MYSQL, ORACLE (basics). 
  • Operating system: Windows, Windows SERVER, Linux UBUNTU. 
  • Process pilot within QMS/IMS ISO 19011, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & ISO 45001.
  • International mobility. 


محترفون من نفس قطاع الموارد البشرية مثل ismail guenniche

محترفون من قطاعات مختلفة بالقرب من Rouiba, الجزائر

المستخدمون الآخرون الذين يطلق عليهم ismail
